Groups that Spread Joy
Adopt-A-Family Committee
Assist with identifying, contacting and coordinating with local families during the holiday season to provide gifts of food and financial support.
Archive/Library Committee
This committee is responsible for collecting and maintaining the written history and records of enduring value for Unity of Washington, DC. They also collect, catalog and manage the books and other materials for our Lending Library.
Holiday Cheer for Seniors Committee
Create and distribute holiday gift baskets and meals for Senior members of the congregation and our local community.
Inspired Décor Committee
Assist co-chairs with theme development and decoration of the church sanctuary during the holidays and other special events.
Social Media Committee
Provides support to the Senior Minister in strategizing, executing, and stewarding social media initiatives for the church. Team members actively participate in enhancing the visibility of the church through blogs, Twitter, Facebook and other social networks.
Movie Night Committee
Coordinates the showing of spiritually based films; prepares and sells popcorn; beverages; and other snacks.