Our Vision

Unity of Washington, DC is a center for spiritual growth and dynamic transformation, where people discover the joy of living, loving and serving through the understanding and application of the Spiritual Principles of Truth.

Our Mission

The mission of Unity of Washington, DC is to create an environment for the building of spiritual consciousness and spiritual community. We seek to inspire individuals to awaken to the Truth about God and their own innate Divine Potential to live a God-Centered, healthy, happy, and prosperous life.

Our Core Values

  • We are committed to utilizing Spiritual Principles first and foremost in all of our endeavors, decisions and activities.
  • We believe in and rely upon the divine guidance, activity, authority, and leadership of the Holy Spirit.
  • We seek to honor and uphold the teachings of Jesus Christ as interpreted through a metaphysical understanding of life.
  • We seek to honor and uphold the Unity Principles and teachings.
  • We honor Prayer and Meditation as our direct connection to and with God.
  • We honor the Universal Oneness of one another in the spirit of Peace, Love and Harmony.
  • We are committed to serving this Ministry and one another, all for and to the Glory of God.